
Cheap flights to Bristol from


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Flight prices to Bristol

from £23.99
from £23.99
from £28.99
from £27.99
from £23.99
from £25.99

Why fly to Bristol?

Bristol is a great choice for a short break with plenty to do or extend your stay further with day trips beyond.Day One - Start at Harbourside and explore Mshed, telling the city’s story and don’t miss Wapping Wharf for independent cafes and restaurants. Walk to Arnolfini to check out the latest exhibitions and enjoy local specialties for lunch at Watershed or No. 1 Harbourside Take a ferry to Brunel’s SS Great Britain, the world’s first luxury liner, now an award-winning museum. Don’t miss Being Brunel. It’s a short walk to Spike Island, with regular exhibitions from leading artists and a working studio.

When's the best time to go?


Hottest month


Coldest month


Best time to visit

Bristol is brilliant all year round, with its fascinating maritime history and lively shopping and nightlife scene. The best time to visit is in the summer months, when festivals and events are in full swing and the weather warms up – perfect for picnics and sunbathing in the city’s numerous parks.

Avoid the crowds

Bristol is often busy. Prime city break territory, it’s filled with people exploring the nautical sights and enjoying the shops and restaurants. That said, avoid the height of summer – June, July and August are popular for events, and the warmer temperatures attract crowds of all ages. Try May and September for a quieter pocket.

*Information provided is indicative only and may be subject to change

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