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Our commitment

Flying is fantastic, it allows us to explore, relax and restore ourselves and it leads to amazing memories with old and new friends.

But at the same time, carbon emissions from air travel contribute to climate change and we have a responsibility to minimise the impact of our flights. At easyJet, we do this in two ways, by working tirelessly to minimise carbon emissions today and pursuing zero carbon emission solutions for the future.

In the short-term we are focused on being as efficient as we can, flying our aircraft in ways which avoid noise and unnecessary use of fuel, and flying them full of passengers. Airbus NEO aircraft continue to join our fleet. These aircraft are more than 13% more fuel efficient than the aircraft they replace and also have a 50% noise reduction. All these measures mean that since 2000 we have reduced our carbon emissions per passenger, per kilometre by one-third, and we’re always looking for new ways to take action.

Our pathway to Net Zero

At the end of 2022, we committed to reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. In advance of that, we have also committed to reaching an interim, science-based carbon emissions intensity improvement target of 35% by 2035, which has been validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). We’ve published our roadmap on how we plan to achieve both.

Pioneering future travel

Ultimately, we believe that aviation needs to make radical changes and our ambition is to achieve zero carbon emission flying. Therefore, we are working with partners across the industry, including Airbus, Rolls-Royce, GKN Aerospace, and Cranfield Aerospace Solutions, to accelerate the development of zero carbon emission technologies such as hydrogen, so that, in the future, we can fly our passengers on aircraft which don’t create carbon emissions.

Together with Rolls-Royce, we are pioneering the development of hydrogen combustion engine technology, capable of also powering an easyJet sized aircraft in the future. Hydrogen has zero carbon emissions and the potential to also significantly reduce non-CO2 effects from aviation. And when we speak about “easyJet-size aircraft”, this means we’re addressing the narrowbody aircraft segment, so, similar to the size of aircraft in our current fleet, which is absolutely key to achieving decarbonisation at scale. Our partnership has already achieved a world first by successfully running a modern aero engine on hydrogen and subsequent tests continue to show hydrogen’s potential as the fuel of the future for short-haul aviation.


We were also one of the first airlines to support Airbus’ ZEROe programme to develop the world’s first zero-emission commercial aircraft, and were first to sign a contract with Airbus to support the development of carbon removal technology. This technology captures carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere and then securely stores it underground. We’re among the first airlines across the globe to support this promising nascent technology which is recognised by climate scientists as crucial to achieving net zero targets.

Reducing our impact today for a better tomorrow

We recognise that sustainability is a holistic issue, and it goes beyond the reduction of carbon emissions. That’s why we are focussing on all elements of environmental protection.

We continue to reduce the amount of plastic onboard our aircraft. For example, at the start of 2024, we have rolled out a new initiative that will see all our 14,000 crew switch from disposable cups and cutlery to reusable alternatives for their in-flight meals. This will help us reduce 10 million single use items and is just the latest example of how we’re working hard every day to reduce waste across our operations.

We are also working tirelessly to make our operations more fuel efficient and quieter. Our recent fleet-wide roll-out of Descent Profile Optimisation (DPO) helps us to minimise fuel burn and emissions during descent to a destination airport. Investment into this technology is helping us reduce CO2 emissions by over 88,000 tonnes. Our complementary use of Continuous Descent Arrival (CDA) technology is also helping us reduce fuel use as well as helping reduce noise impact on the ground.

Thanks to achieving IATA IEnvA Stage 2 accreditation, we were the first low cost carrier worldwide to have a fully IATA IEnvA certified Environmental Management System (EMS).

From 1 January 2023 we introduced a voluntary option for our customers to actively contribute towards climate projects that are helping to reduce emissions from the atmosphere. Find out more at

For more information on the measures we are taking to reduce our carbon emissions please view the sustainability chapter of our annual report.


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