
Cheap flights to Antalya from


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Flight prices to Antalya

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from £42.99
from £35.99

Why fly to Antalya?

Antalya is not only one of Europe’s best-kept secrets, but the perfect destination for anyone wanting a holiday to remember. And any trip to this two thousand year old city and its beautiful surrounding area and it’ll not take you long to see why.

When's the best time to go?


Hottest month


Coldest month


Best time to visit

Between the months of June and September Antalya basks in gorgeous sunshine and toasty temperatures, so it’s a great time to come if you’re looking to get in lots of beach time. It’s also when the resort is at its liveliest, with holidaymakers spilling out of the area’s restaurants, bars and markets.

Avoid the crowds

In the summer months, it can be hard to find a secluded patch on Antalya’s beaches, with thousands of holidaymakers descending on the resort between the months of June and September. May and October can be just as warm, but it’s decidedly quieter in these parts at this time and the hotel prices reflect it.

Your Antalya Questions Answered

Average flight times to Antalya Turkey depend on where you're flying from. If you're flying from London to Antalya, the average flight time is 4 hours and 15 minutes. On the other hand, if you're taking a flight from Belfast Intl to Antalya, your flight is likely to take 5 hours and 10 minutes.
*Information provided is indicative only and may be subject to change

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