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Track my refund request


Thank you for contacting us and for submitting a refund request
Our team are currently processing refund requests within 7 days, and this may take a few days to show as available in your account, depending on your bank.
Please see below for the current status of your refund:
You will receive a confirmation email to let you know we have received your refund request.
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What happens during this step?
We double check all passenger and flight information. We check the validity of any refund claims.
You will receive a follow up email about your refund request.

Next Stage
If your claim is successful, during this step:
1. We prepare the money to be transferred.
2. Our bank processes the payment.
3. Your bank receives the payment.
Funds should show as available by this time in the bank account used to make the booking.
Start Over
Thank you for contacting us and for submitting an online refund request
Our team are currently processing refund requests within 7 days, and this may take a few days to show as available in your account, depending on your bank.

You don't need to do anything else at this time. Please do not contact us yet as we are still processing your request.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding.
You will receive a confirmation email to let you know we have received your refund request.
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What happens during this step?
We double check all passenger and flight information. We check the validity of any refund claims.
You will receive a follow up email about your refund request.
Click here if you didn't receive a second email from us

You are currently here
If your claim is successful, during this step:
1. We prepare the money to be transferred.
2. Our bank processes the payment.
3. Your bank receives the payment.
Funds should show as available by this time in the bank account used to make the booking.
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Please contact our Customer Services Team here
Please note that you have 12 months to claim a refund
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Thank you for confirming you have received your refund payment.
If you have any further questions you can contact our Customer Services Team here.

Thank you for choosing to fly with us. We look forward to welcoming you on board again soon.
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Have you submitted an online refund request?
Yes, I have
No, I haven't
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Did you receive an email from us after submitting your online refund request?
Please double check your email inbox if you're unsure.
Yes, I have the email
No, I haven't
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What was the date that you received the refund request email from us?
Select the date below
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Did you receive another email from us regarding your online refund request being processed?
Please check your inbox to confirm.
Yes, I have found the email
No, I haven't
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Did you receive any payment related to your online refund request from us?
Please check your bank account to confirm.
Yes, I've received payment
No, I haven't received payment
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Check to see if you are eligible for a flight voucher or refund
Use our Disruption Help Hub tool to check your eligibility
Go to the Help Hub
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Search 'easyJet Refund' in your email inbox
You can find this date on the refund request email from easyJet
Search for 'easyJet' in your email inbox
Try searching for 'easyJet' or the booking reference number in your bank account.

An error occurred

We're very sorry but something has gone wrong. Please try again or get in contact with us if this issue continues to occur.

You can view our local telephone numbers here.

If you've already submitted an online refund request and would like to track the status, click here.