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Medical Information

Your health and wellbeing are important to us and we want you to be as comfortable as possible onboard your flight. It is perfectly safe to fly with the majority of medical conditions. However please check the information here if you are in any doubt or contact your own medical practitioner regarding your specific medical condition. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service team.

Travelling with medical equipment

If you pack medicines in your hold luggage, we do not require a letter from your healthcare practitioner.

If you need to bring several medical devices or a large piece of medical equipment, please contact our Special Assistance team at least 48 hours before your flight so that they can advise you.


  • We strongly advise that you to take your medication with you in your hand baggage if you will require it during the flight or immediately after landing. Although rare, baggage delays can happen so we would recommend that you carry all essential medications with you at all times.
  • Please bring a letter from your medical practitioner confirming the type of medication and what it is for, only if it is: liquid that exceeds 100ml, sharp objects such as needles, oxygen cylinders or concentrators, or any medical equipment that may be considered as dangerous goods in the aircraft cabin.
  • Please check with your doctor or pharmacist if your prescription contains a controlled drug. Controlled drugs are medication that are subject to high levels of regulation as a result of government decisions, such as Diazepam, Lorazepam, Codeine or Tramadol.
  • If your medication does contain controlled drugs, please check the embassy rules of the country you are travelling to, as well as the entry requirements before you fly. As some countries have strict laws on controlled drugs, you will need to prove the medication is yours, either with a prescription or with a letter from your GP.
  • Please note that we are unable to refrigerate medication for you onboard.
  • For all other medications and equipment, we do not require a letter from your healthcare practitioner.


You are allowed to bring needles and syringes onboard for treatment of medical conditions. However please ensure that you also carry a letter from your medical practitioner confirming the type of medication and what it is for. You must self-administer any injections required during the flight. Our cabin crew are unable to administer any medication, including injections, under any circumstances. Make sure you inform the cabin crew if you need to use your needles so that they can provide a sharps box for safe disposal.

Medical oxygen

We have oxygen on board but this is used for emergencies only.

You can take two small, compressed air or oxygen cylinders for personal medical use only, in addition to your cabin baggage. They must not exceed 56cm in length, with a maximum diameter of 25cm and a maximum weight of 5 kg.

You'll need a medical certificate confirming the cylinders are required for medical reasons and that you are fit to fly. If you are taking oxygen cylinders, please tell the Cabin Crew when you are boarding.

Liquid oxygen is not permitted on board the aircraft, either in the cabin or the hold.

Oxygen concentrators (either mains or battery powered) can be taken on board - you'll need a medical certificate confirming that it's for medical reasons and that you're fit to fly.

See our ‘medicines or medical equipment guide’.

Gas cylinders worn for the operation of mechanical limbs and a spare cylinder of a similar size may be taken on board.


Cardiac pacemakers or other devices including those powered by lithium batteries, implanted in a person or radiopharmaceuticals contained within the body of a person as a result of medical treatments are permitted.


We are unable to accept stretchers on any of our flights.

Travelling while pregnant

Although pregnancy is not considered to be a medical condition and you are able to travel until quite late into your pregnancy, expectant mothers should be aware that:

  • If you have experienced any complications during your pregnancy, you should consult your medical practitioner before flying with us
  • You can travel up to the end of the 35th week for single pregnancies
  • If you are expecting more than one baby you can travel up to the end of the 32nd week

Expectant mothers wishing to travel with an infant on their lap are permitted to do so.

Deep vein thrombosis (“DVT”)

This condition is linked to prolonged periods of inactivity and passengers travelling by car or train may also be at risk. The following could make you more prone to DVT:

  • A tendency of blood clotting;
  • Recent surgery, particularly leg surgery, injury or swelling within six weeks prior to flying;
  • Prolonged immobility, particularly a paralysed lower limb(s);
  • Previous or current DVT, or family history of DVT;
  • If you are over 40 years of age;
  • If you are taking the oral contraceptive pill and some other hormone treatments;
  • If you are pregnant;
  • If you have varicose veins;
  • Recent heart disease;
  • Current malignant disease or chemotherapy;
  • Blood disorders;
  • Depletion of body fluids causing increased blood thickening; or
  • If you have suffered from a stroke within 6 weeks prior to flying.
As immobility poses the greatest risk in developing DVT, to reduce the risk, during the flight You are advised to:
  • Move about the cabin;
  • Change position frequently;
  • Avoid crossing your legs;
  • Do exercises in your seat;
  • Drink plenty of water before, during and after the flight.

If you may be prone to DVT, we recommend that you are assessed by your medical practitioner prior to flying and be provided with properly fitted graduated compression stockings, low molecular weight heparin or an oral anticoagulation with warfarin. If you are at risk, you should not rely on aspirin to prevent DVT.

Guidance for diabetics

If you have diabetes and require injections during flight, you must self-administer the injections and are requested to advise the cabin crew of your condition when boarding the aircraft. Please ensure that you carry supplies of insulin in your cabin baggage, rather than in your Hold Baggage. Insulin may be inactivated if carried in the hold due to freezing temperatures. You will be able to bring diabetic insulin pens for travel without medical documentation. If you are taking insulin or long acting sulphonylureas, you are advised to take extra carbohydrates in your cabin baggage and remain on “home-time” throughout the flight.

Guidance for divers

In order to minimise the risk of decompression sickness, you should ensure that you do not dive for 24 hours prior to flying. Air cylinders for diving/scuba diving will not be accepted onboard.

If you have recently had surgery, you will need to have a medical certificate confirming your fitness to fly.

Flying after an illness or operation

Type of surgery

Travel allowed after

Heart Surgery

14 days


5 days

Abdominal surgery

10 days

Chest surgery

6 weeks

Tonsils removed

14 days

Middle ear surgery

You must wait until your ear cavity is dry and aerated before travel (this usually takes 14 days)

Cataract/corneal laser surgery

1 day

Type of medical incident

Permitted to travel

Heart attack

You will be allowed to travel 7 days after a heart attack if it is minor or uncomplicated.
For major or complicated heart attacks, please make sure you consult a medical practitioner before flying
A medical certificate is required confirming fitness to fly

Stroke 10 days

If you are travelling within 11 and 21 days following a stroke , a medical certificate is required confirming fitness to fly.


You can only travel when the chest has been drained and the lung has fully expanded (this usually takes 14 days). You must travel with a companion and provide a medical certificate confirming your fitness to fly.

Penetrating eye injury

7 days

Type of condition

Permitted to travel


Only if condition is stable

Middle ear infection

Once condition has cleared (usually 7 days)


Once condition has cleared (usually 7 days)

Chronic anaemia

Not permitted to fly


24 hours after a tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure


You are permitted to travel if you have asthma.
Please keep your inhaler(s) in your cabin baggage.
If you have severe asthma, you must provide a medical certificate confirming your fitness to fly.
Nebulisers are permitted, provided that they do not contain oxygen cylinders.

Lung conditions (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; cystic fibrosis; bronchiectasis)

You will only be allowed to travel if a medical certificate is provided confirming your fitness to fly.
We recommend medical advice is sought to determine if oxygen will be required during the flight

Passengers showing a shortness of breath are not permitted to fly Children with respiratory problems must have a certificate from an appropriate medical practitioner confirming their fitness to fly.

Passengers travelling with a minor infectious disease, including any of the following conditions, are permitted to fly in accordance with the guidelines in the table below.

Infectious diseases

Permitted to travel


4 days after the appearance of the rash


7 days after the appearance of the rash


When all swelling has subsided (usually after 7 days)

Chicken pox

7 days after the appearance of the last new spot

Viral infections (e.g. seasonal flu)

When no longer contagious

Passengers with a severe infectious disease (e.g. severe respiratory infections, tuberculosis, pneumonia) will not be accepted for travel without a certificate from an appropriate medical practitioner confirmation their fitness to fly. Passengers with meningitis or infected with any virus resulting from a pandemic such as SARS or H1N1 (”Swine Flu”) will not be accepted for travel. Passengers with, or with symptoms of, meningitis or any virus resulting from a pandemic such as SARS, H1N1, or COVID-19 will not be accepted for travel.

Psychiatric disorders Passengers with psychiatric disorders are permitted to fly, subject to the following conditions:

  • If you are suffering from conditions such as phobias, anxiety or depression you should advise the cabin crew of your condition when boarding the aircraft;
  • If you have a history of drug or alcohol dependency, you must be stabilised on a detoxification plan and must have a certificate from an appropriate medical practitioner confirming fitness to fly. You must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of travel as being intoxicated on board is a criminal offence.
  • The safety of our customers and crew is our highest priority at all times. Our crew will prevent anyone travelling, regardless of condition, if they consider them a safety risk to themselves, other passengers and crew or the aircraft.

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